Harry Potter
At 11:46 AM, MoDox Machmir Man said…
You're not going to believe me, but a great question to ask is, "did he/she read Harry Potter?"
I know, I know, it sounds dorky, but it really is a great tell of a person's personality. Give me 20 people I kind of know, and I'll get 15 right - if they read the whole series, nothing, or started but never finished.
Trust me, start asking that question to your friends and you'll see what I'm talking about.
You're not going to believe me, but a great question to ask is, "did he/she read Harry Potter?"
I know, I know, it sounds dorky, but it really is a great tell of a person's personality. Give me 20 people I kind of know, and I'll get 15 right - if they read the whole series, nothing, or started but never finished.
Trust me, start asking that question to your friends and you'll see what I'm talking about.
At 1:33 PM,
--Crash and Burn-- said…
Dear Modox,
What is the point of this question? To see if they dress up as a wizzard in their free time or whisper magic spells to the mirror?
What information do you gleen from this question?
At 10:30 AM,
MoDox Machmir Man said…
I believe that this question reveals alot about one's personality. I think if you're a dedicated reader of Potter and of shidduch age (meaning you started reading the books later than the age they were meant for) it says alot about your imagination. I guess the same could be said about completing the LOTR or any other "world-creating" work. But being able to jump into a writer's alternate reality is definitely a distinctive personality trait. Whether this trait is desirable by a dating partner is an individual decision, but asking this question at least clues you in.
Conversely, if you know someone well, you should be able to answer the question without asking.
At 10:47 AM,
--Crash and Burn-- said…
In response to your response:
It seems that the bottom line comes down to: Do you read? If so, What?
But to ask if they read Harry Potter as the initial question seems to be more of a reflexive statement than anything else. The same applies to LOTR.
"being able to jump into a writer's alternate reality is definitely a distinctive personality trait."--This can be done via any book, not just the fantasy books. Dickens, Austin, and Dumas all "create worlds" for the reader to follow. While Tolkien and Rowling bring creativity and novel ideas to their writing, the others add the element of depth.
At 6:07 PM,
--Crash and Burn-- said…
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Harry Potter":
I agree with crash- this is not a great question.
I can imagine the conversation now..
"is she nice? "- yea real sweet
"is she fun?"- really great personality
"is she pretty?" - gorgeous
"does she read harry potter?"- no...
"ooooh.. then.. not for me."
At 7:00 AM,
MoDox Machmir Man said…
To Crash and anon,
I never said reading potter (or LOTR) was a requirement, I just said it tells alot about someone's personality. Potter, LOTR, and the Wheel of time, for example, are different than the other authors you mentioned, as they require the reader to delve into a complex and very unrealistic world.
This, to me at least, is a distinctive personality trait. People either enjoy these kind of things or don't. I think this kind of a question can answer more than just "he/she's got alot of personality". These kind of questions help describe WHAT KIND OF personality the guy/girl has "alot of".
I didn't mean for this to turn into a discussion on the fiction genre in general.
At 12:49 PM,
--Crash and Burn-- said…
"they require the reader to delve into a complex and very unrealistic world."
--Is this what someone will be looking for? A spouse who lives in an "unrealistic world?"
What gain is there in knowing someone run to neverneverland to escape the realities they live in?
"These kind of questions help describe WHAT KIND OF personality the guy/girl has "alot of".
--maybe you can specify, what kind of personality type would such a reader be?
Now I know I am being a little extreme, and if you mean this tells you about a persons "creativity" then I would have an easier time with the question. If that's what you mean... :)
12:45 PM
At 9:11 AM,
MoDox Machmir Man said…
from wiki:
"In psychology, personality describes the character of emotion, thought, and behavior patterns unique to a person. There are several theoretical perspectives on personality in psychology, which involve different ideas about the relationship between personality and other psychological constructs, as well as different theories about the way personality develops.
so, I believe that creativity is a part of one's personality. let's just say I'm talking about creativity and not personality and leave it at that.
and, in my opinion, it's not such a bad thing to be able to escape this (pretty depressing) reality for a few minutes once in a while.
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